Intro NYC App

Interaction design project titled ‘Fresh to New York Problems’ for Lee Maschmeyer's Class. I decided to focus on introverted individuals who struggle with creating a social network in a new city especially one as loud as NYC. I proposed that interaction design could help these individuals through a social networking and events app.
SVA MFAD | Lee Mashmeyer | 2012 | Research, Identity, App, Concept
I started my project by interviewing classmates who consider themselves introverts. I used these interviews to fulfill my class assignments. The assignments included: Problem Statement, Task Flow Chart, Alignment and Gap Analysis, Persona Profile and Needs Map.
Final Screens
The visual design direction I chose was to elevate the coolness of the people and event IntroNYC produced.
App Promo Video
The promo video I designed showcased my solution and screens that showed how the app worked.